Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Project Play - Week 10 - Reflect

Well, I'm tossing around ideas about how I'll use what I've learned from Project Play at our own library. I have to say that Project Play has made me much more aware of what's going on in the world of web 2.0. And that's a start, right? I can't use stuff I'm not even aware of.
Lots of possibilities - fresh content for our website and a whole new way to communicate with patrons for starters.
The only thing I didn't like was that I did have to break my own rule and do a lot of the work at home to keep up. I justify it by telling myself that I AM enjoying the project. I am such a geek...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Project Play - Week 9 - Wickis

Wiki What?
I had fun playing around in the sandbox but I've got to say, I had a hard time thinking of a way our library might use a wiki. The only thing I can come up with for now is a staff page. It would be nice to have a wiki that we could all add our favorite resource links to - a handy starting off page with no web editing skills required.

Initially I liked the community wiki for Davis, California but then I stumbled on to a page about some of the problems they've had with abusive edits and it was kind of a downer.

Maybe I was less than thrilled because I already have some web editing experience? Maybe I have control issues? I don't know, maybe I just missed something.

I checked wikipedia and found our community and our library represented. Good to know.

Project Play - Week 8 - tames the library site monster
A few weeks ago I was talking to Beth about our new website and the direction we want to go with it. I told her that while we like to add links introduce new/cool/informative sites to our patrons, we don't necessarily want those links to linger forever. Link, link, link and soon you have a monster of a directory where you can't find anything in a reasonable amount of time. I mentioned that we'd rather have a "link of the week" segment on the site.(of course with a much cooler name that we have yet to think up - maybe YOU have a suggestion? Seriously, help us out!)Beth suggested a account for the library. Genius! I set up accounts on the staff computers and now we can tag away to our hearts content. We'll be able to set up a feed from the accout that will update every time we place a new tag. Fresh content for very little work. Thanks Beth!

I also set up a personal account. Let's see if can tackle my genealogy bookmarking snarl. I have a history of finding great info on obscure sites, bookmarking it and entirely forgetting what I thought was great about it when I revisit months later. ARGH! The notes feature should jog my memory.

Care to see what's going in my account and my brain so far? Go ahead, lots of boring genealogy - no XXX sites.

Project Play - Week 7 - LibraryThing

I tried out LibraryThing. What a fun new toy. I don't know if I will continue with it because I just started using goodreads a few weeks ago and am more familiar with it. I'll play with LibraryThing a little more and see which one has the most features I'll use. I do like being able to export my LibraryThing to my blog. Is that enough to get me to switch? I don't know.
I have my "reading history" turned on in InfoSoup. I would love to be able to import that to either one. Can that be done?

Also tried the suggester - special sauce? I've only cataloged only 5 books so the suggester says my "results may be spotty." The suggester says I should try Wolf Dreams by Yasmina Khadra. I'll give it a try but I am slightly afraid that if I read any more books about Islamic fundamentalism, the only people reading my blog will be the F B I. 8)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Project Play - Week 6 - flickr

Originally uploaded by Lyn H
My flickr account is up and running. Too bad it only has one photo so far. Guess I'd better get busy snapping some pics.
This picture was taken with a game camera. We get some really great shots with it and I think my husband would get a big kick out of using flickr to share them. You know boys with toys...

I'm not sure yet how I would use flickr for the library. Maybe if you had some big project going on? I like the 365 library pics idea but I don't know if we would be able to keep up with it.

Flickr ABC's are COOL.
L Y n

Project Play - Week 4 - Feedback Thingies

Feedback thingies
Well, I made my first survey on Survey Monkey and I am hooked. I'm trying to catch up so I skipped the tutorial and just winged it. I "borrowed" some questions from a survey I found online (Let's just say my survey may sound very familiar to some APL staff) and just added a few more questions of my own. I had no problems - it was very straight forward. Think I'll post the survey on our website and see if I can get a few bites.

If you're curious about what I pilfered, you can take my survey at:

Project Play - Week 3 - RSS and Newsfeeders

Time to get serious about Project Play. Yikes, this is week 9 and I am on week 3.

I gave Bloglines a try. I was "aware" of RSS feeds, but thought they would just eat up more of my time online. Now I can see how useful they can be - let them do the hunting and gathering for me. Yeah, project play!