Monday, November 12, 2007

Project Play - Week 6 - flickr

Originally uploaded by Lyn H
My flickr account is up and running. Too bad it only has one photo so far. Guess I'd better get busy snapping some pics.
This picture was taken with a game camera. We get some really great shots with it and I think my husband would get a big kick out of using flickr to share them. You know boys with toys...

I'm not sure yet how I would use flickr for the library. Maybe if you had some big project going on? I like the 365 library pics idea but I don't know if we would be able to keep up with it.

Flickr ABC's are COOL.
L Y n

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like your idea for using a game camera and posting the photos to Flickr. That's a cool use of Flickr for supporting a hobby.